Session: VIB-06/MSNDC-11-02
Paper Number: 148467
148467 - Understanding Vibration Attenuation Mechanism Through Chaotic Response in Periodic Lattices With Bi-Stable Resonators
The interest for the study of metamaterials and metastructures has been rapidly increasing in the scientific community. A number different approaches for the configuration of such systems have already shown to produce unique and potentially useful dynamic behavior, such as broadband vibration attenuation and negative mechanical properties. Locally resonant metamaterials are of special interest in this domain because of its versatility in creating wide bandgaps for wave propagation while being relatively simple in terms of analysis and experimental reproduction. Two specific subcategories of this type of systems have shown to enable specially promising bandgap formation behavior: nonlinear resonators and functionally graded, or rainbow, metamaterials. Most of the literature focus on the enhanced bandgap performance of such structures or on the characterization of nonlinear phenomena and transition between periodic and chaotic behaviors. In this context, investigation of periodic lattices featuring bi-stable elements has received substantial attention recently. However, the comprehensive investigation of chaotic behavior in such systems remains uncommon. This work presents an arrangement of a one dimensional periodic lattice with bi-stable Duffing resonator attachments, showing the effects of excitation magnitude and increasing mass gradation on the bandgap. An investigation of the vibration attenuation mechanisms considering frequency-domain approach is also presented. This simple arrangement allows us to thoroughly investigate and understand the mechanisms responsible for vibration attenuation in the nonlinear system, especially when chaotic behavior is observed.
Presenting Author: Aline Souza De Paula University of Brasilia
Presenting Author Biography: Aline Souza de Paula is Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering (COPPE/UFRJ) and Associate
Professor of the Department of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Brasilia. Her PhD
was awarded with CAPES Thesis Prize 2011 as the best PhD Thesis of 2010 in Brazil in the
area encompassing mechanical, industrial, aerospace and naval engineering. She was awarded
with Hofer Young Reseacher Prize in 2013 for her outstanding research performance in the
field of dynamics (awarded by the Brazilian Society of Engineering and Mechanical Science -
ABCM). Her research interests cover nonlinear dynamics, chaotic behavior, chaos control,
smart structures with applications using shape memory alloy and piezoelectric materials,
energy harvesting and vibration control, including the use of metamaterials. She is a former Associate Editor of the Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering and is currently Subject Editor of Nonlinear Dynamics. She currently sits on ABCM’s board of directors.
Aline Souza De Paula University of BrasiliaUnderstanding Vibration Attenuation Mechanism Through Chaotic Response in Periodic Lattices With Bi-Stable Resonators
Paper Type
Technical Presentation