Session: PTG-01-01: Gear Geometry
Paper Number: 142793
142793 - Comparative Analysis of the Mechanical Behavior of Conjugated Face-Milled and Face-Hobbed Hypoid Gear Drives
A comparative analysis of the mechanical behavior of conjugated face-milled and face-hobbed hypoid gear drives is presented. The analytical determination of the basic machine-tool settings is conducted for both systems of generation and applicable to hypoid gear drives at any shaft angle, assuring the absence of kinematic transmission errors. However, the implementation of a tip relief is required to ensure a smooth load transition between consecutive pairs of teeth while preserving the conjugated action between tooth surfaces. The impact of the generating process and cutter radius selection on contact pressure, bending stress, loaded transmission errors, efficiency, and sensitivity of the contact pattern to the presence of errors of alignment is presented. The comparative analysis reveals a similar mechanical behavior for both systems of generation, although in face-hobbed hypoid gear drives it is possible to slightly reduce the level of contact pressure compared to face-milled hypoid gear drives for the same cutter radius selection. Furthermore, although increasing the cutter radius provides a modest reduction in contact pressures, a detailed sensitivity analysis of contact pattern shifts due to alignment errors highlights the importance of selecting the cutter radius within the lower bounds of the range recommended by the Information Sheet AGMA 22849-A12.
Presenting Author: Ignacio Gonzalez-Perez Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena
Presenting Author Biography: Ignacio Gonzalez-Perez is currently a Full Professor of Mechanical Engineering at Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena (Spain). He was a Visiting Scholar at the Gear Research Center of the University of Illinois at Chicago from 2001 to 2003, a Research Scientist at the Gear Research and Development Department of Yamaha Motor Co., in Japan, in 2005, and a Visiting Scholar at the Rochester Institute of Technology, in New York State, in 2017. He is author of more than 80 publications related with gears and is currently involved in the design, generation and analysis of gear drives for electric vehicles. He is a member of AGMA.
Ignacio Gonzalez-Perez Universidad Politécnica de CartagenaAlfonso Fuentes-Aznar Rochester Institute of Technology
Comparative Analysis of the Mechanical Behavior of Conjugated Face-Milled and Face-Hobbed Hypoid Gear Drives
Paper Type
Technical Paper Publication